Genetic Diversity Analysis of Traditional Upland Rice Cultivars in Kihan, Malapatan, Sarangani Province, Philippines Using Morphometric Markers
Florence C. Lasalita-Zapico1*, Jaime A. Namocatcat1, and Josephine L. Cariño-Turner2
1Science Department, College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics,
Mindanao State University, Fatima, General Santos City 9500
2Indigenous Peoples Development Program, Office of the Provincial Governor,
Provincial Capitol, Alabel, Sarangani Province
corresponding author: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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In situ characterization was carried out for thirty two traditional upland rice cultivars in Kihan, Malapatan, Sarangani Province using ten morpho-agronomic characters at the reproductive stage, as prelude to genetic diversity analysis of the Province's traditional rice gene pool. Cluster analysis revealed four groups, each group representing a distinct set of morpho-agronomic values, while Principal component analysis, which also sorted the cultivars into four clusters showed two principal components accounting for about 82.7% of total variance observed. Comparison of PCA and dendrogram groupings revealed generally similar trends, though slight inconsistencies were observed in terms of cluster composition. Pearson's correlation analysis of the morphological traits suggests that these traits are significantly and positively correlated with each other except for the flag leaf angle. Though inconclusive due to susceptibility of the evaluated morphological traits to environmental conditions, this study assessed the overall genetic diversity pattern of traditional upland rice cultivars based on morpho-agronomic variations that can be further subjected to more robust tests involving molecular markers.
Genetic uniformity among new rice varieties is an alarming situation confronting the rice industry (Morishima & Oka 1995) as it has increased the vulnerability of the rice crop to disease epidemics and insect infestation. . . . .
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