Assessing the Sediment Quality of Estero de Sante Bañez, a Major Tributary along Pasig River


Rey Alfred G. Rañola and Karen S. Santiago

University of Santo Tomas, España Blvd., Manila 1015, Philippines

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swimming hole and estero de sante banez

(Photo Left) This swimming hole, photographed in the late 1940s, is the upper end of Estero de Sante Bañez. (Photo Right) Estero de Sante Bañez revealing its current condition. (photo courtesy of Engr. Ramon F. Vasquez, University of Manila)



A study was conducted on heavy metal and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) content of the sediment in Estero de Sante Bañez. Sediment samples were collected from three sampling sites of the estero by a modified grab sampling technique. The samples, collected at one (1) meter depth, were placed in clean amber bottles and analyzed for trace metal contents such as lead (Pb), copper (Cu), chromium (Cr), zinc (Zn), cadmium (Cd), nickel (Ni), and mercury (Hg) using flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Analyses showed that there were variable distributions of the heavy metal content (mg/kg, dry wt.) from the three sites of the estero. For Cd (<0.01-8.32), Cr (0.6-0.8), Cu (5.4-11.6), Pb (<0.2-3.4), Ni (6.15-12.3), Hg (0.48-0.61) and Zn (11.9-17.9). Most of the trace metals exist mainly in Site C. On the other hand, PCB isomers were analyzed through gas chromatography (GC) using electron capture (EC) as detector and results showed that the content of PCB derivatives (as arochlors) in the estero were below (<0.0007 μg/g) the limit of detection of the instrument (LOD = 0.0007 μg/g).





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