Seedling Age Influence Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Performance


A.K.M. Khusrul Amin and M. Aminul Haque*

Water Resources Planning Organization, House No. 103,
Road No. 1, Banani, Dhaka-1213, Bangladesh

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effect of seedling age




An experiment was carried out at the field laboratory of the Department of Agronomy, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh in Jul to Dec 2001. Two indigenous varieties, viz.: Kalizira and Tulshimala, and two improved varieties, viz.: BRRI (Bangladesh Rice Research Institute) Dhan 38 and BRRI Dhan 37, with four different aged seedlings, viz.: 15, 25, 35, and 45 days old, were transplanted on the same day maintaining 25 cm x 15 cm spacing. The highest plant height was observed in BRRI Dhan 37 followed by Tulshimala and Kalizira among 35-day old seedlings at 60 days after transplanting (DAT). But during harvest, 35-day old Kalizira seedling gave the highest plant height. BRRI Dhan 38 and BRRI Dhan 37 seedlings, both 35 days old, produced the highest number of tiller hill-1 at all DATs except 15 DAT. But during harvest, only BRRI Dhan 38 with 35-day old seedling gave the best result. The highest LAI (Leaf Area Index) was found in BRRI Dhan 38’s 35-day old seedling at 45, 60, and 75 DAT. However, at 15 DAT, BRRI Dhan 37’s 45-day old seedling showed the highest value of LAI. Kalizira’s 45-day old seedling gave the lowest LAI at 75 DAT which was statistically similar to Tulshimala with 15 days old seedling. The highest grain yield (4.30 t ha-1) was found in BRRI Dhan 38’s 35-day old seedling, followed by BRRI Dhan 37’s with the same age of seedling (4.00 t ha-1). The study also revealed that the overall performance (growth, yield, and yield contributing characters) of indigenous varieties were better with 35 days old seedlings......




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