Callusing and Regeneration Potential of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Genotypes Towards the Development for Salt Tolerance
Fredeslinda C. Evangelista*, 1, Rhodora R. Aldemita2, and Lilian B. Ungson3
1Department of Biology, University of the Philippines Manila, Padre Faura, Taft Avenue, Manila
2Philippine Rice Research Insitute, Maligaya Muñoz, Nueva Ecija
3Institute of Biology, University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City
*This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Plant regeneration in Oryza sativa line LX278. A. Callus with regenerating shoots. B. A regenerating plantlet with shoots and roots.
The response to tissue culture of mature seeds of rice from three genotypes-- PSB Rc28, PSB Rc58, and LX278--- was studied to identify which genotype could be used as source of explants for future genetic transformation endeavors in improving rice yield on saline soil. Callusing ability, structure of the callus, and regeneration capability were used as bases in determining suitability. Results showed that while the three genotypes were all capable of forming calli, PSB Rc28 and PSB Rc58 were not able to sustain growth and generally differentiated roots (55.3%) or became necrotic (76.9%), respectively. LX278 was the most amenable to tissue culture, forming 78.8% of embryogenic calli. When half of this was transferred in regeneration medium, 69.8% regenerated plantlets. Among the plantlets, 48.9% developed by somatic embryogenesis and 51.1% by organogenesis. Thus, LX278 will be used as source of explant for genetic manipulation....
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