Congo Red Decolorizing Activity Under Microcosm and Decolorization of other Dyes of Congo Red Decolorizing Bacteria
Aileen C. Jalandoni-Buan1, Anna Lynn A. Decena-Soliven, Ernelea P. Cao2, Virginia L. Barraquio3 and Wilfredo L. Barraquio4
1Outsourcing and Manufacturing Solutions, Inc. (OMSI)
AFP-RSBS Industrial Park, Western Bicutan, Taguig City, Metro Manila
2Natural Sciences Research Institute, College of Science
University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City 1101
3Animal and Dairy Science Cluster (Dairy Training Research Institute)
College of Agriculture, University of the Philippines Los Baños, College, Laguna 4031
4Institute of Biology, College of Science, University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City 1101
Congo red is a carcinogenic direct diazo dye used for the coloration of paper products. It is recalcitrant and found in effluents of paper factories. Bacteria in consortia and monocultures capable of decolorizing Congo red were isolated previously. The consortia were labeled as IRRI-1 and S22. The monocultures were labeled as SB13B, SB12D, IRRI-1C, and S22B. The consortia were able to decolorize direct black and direct violet aside from Congo red, while the monocultures, except for SB13B, were able to decolorize direct violet. The rate of decolorization by the consortia was faster than the monocultures isolated from them. Dye degradation occurred in the supernatant of sonicated cells, indicating that the dye degrading enzyme was located intracellularly. The monocultures and consortia were able to decolorize Congo red in polluted water but no decolorization of the dye was observed in clean water. The resident microorganisms and other organic matter in the polluted water could have favored dye degradation.....
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