Correlates of Body Image Satisfaction Among Economically Depressed Urban Filipino Women
Mildred T. Aquino*, Consuelo L. Orense, Celeste C. Tanchoco,
Sofia V. Amarra, Merlyn G. Tajan, and Evelyn O. Dela Cruz
Food and Nutrition Research Institute
Department of Science and Technology, General Santos Avenue,
Bicutan, Taguig City, Philippines
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The study assessed body image satisfaction with diet, body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), waist-hip ratio (WHR), age, income, and education among 251 women in a depressed urban barangay. Results showed that most women were younger, had low education, and had no occupation. Using BMI, 28.7% were overweight and obese, and 11.6% were underweight. Using WHR and WC, 59% and 13.5%, respectively, were at risk. Six out of ten women were not satisfied with their body image. Nutrient intake and adequacy between women who were satisfied and those who were not satisfied with their body image were not significantly different. Adequacy of intake was below the Recommend Energy and Nutrient Intake (RENI) for most nutrients except niacin. Women satisfied with their body image had lower BMI, WC, and WHR. Body image satisfaction was associated with BMI, WC, and WHR but WHR was the only significant variable affecting image satisfaction. Android or central body adiposity affects body image satisfaction among women because of the change in body shape brought by fat deposition.
Body image is defined as “how a person feels about his appearance.” Developing and nurturing a positive body image is considered part of a healthy mental attitude and is crucial to a person’s happiness and wellness. Body image is a combination of how we perceive ourselves about basic looks and how we react emotionally in certain situations (Sloan 2006). Having a negative body image may be a contributing factor to poor self-esteem, feelings of perfectionalism, and negative eating attitudes and behaviors which have been identified as predisposing factors to eating disorders (Perez et al. 2003)
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