Histochemical Changes in the Seed Coats Structure of Three Species of Abelmoschus (Medik.) Under Different Moisture Content Levels


Maria Lea H. Villavicensio*, Nestor C Altoveros and Teresita H. Borromeo1
National Plant Genetic Resouces Laboratory
Crop Science Cluster- Institute of Plant Breeding, College of Agriculture
University of the Philippines Los Baños, College, Laguna


The seed coat structures of 3 species of Abelmoschus were investigated through histochemistry and light microscopy to determine the nature and localization of chemical compounds present and explain the role of the different compounds on hardseededness and seed coat impermeability. Results showed the presence of lignins and phenols, both with hydrophobic characters, as proven by earlier work in the mesophyll layer of the hilar region and the palisade layer of the seed coats of A. esculentus, A. moschatus, and A. tetraphyllus var. pungens at 5%, 9%, and 13% moisture content. Tannins and lipids were found in the transition part of the palisade layer and in the mesophyll with amount increasing at low seed moisture content in the transition part of A. esculentus. The presence of these compounds may contribute to hardseededness and impermeability of the seed coat.



The genus Abelmoschus belongs to the Family Malvaceae. This family has about 50 genera and 1,000 species of herbs, shrubs, and rarely small trees, with a world-wide distribution. Among the species in the genus, A. esculentus (syn. Hibiscus esculentus) is an annual vegetable crop, commonly known as "okra" or lady’s finger. The other wild species included in this study are A. moschatus and A. tetraphyllus, both found in the Philippines. The seeds of each species vary in shape, size, color, and surface texture.




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