Physicochemical Characterization of Galactomannan from Sugar Palm (Arenga saccharifera Labill.) Endosperm at Different Stages of Nut Maturity



A water-soluble polysaccharide was extracted from the endosperm of nuts of Arenga saccharifera Labill. at different stages (young, 8-12 mo old; mid mature, 16-18 mo old; and mature, 22-24 mo old) of maturity. The polysaccharide was extracted with water, precipitated with 95% ethanol and further purified with Fehling solution and then freeze dried. The Arenga gum samples were white and powder-like after drying; insoluble in organic solvents, slightly soluble in inorganic solvents, and soluble in hot and cold water.  Specific rotation values [a]D27 of +32.97, +39.53 and +35.93 were obtained for the purified gum samples, young, mid mature and mature, respectively, before inversion; corresponding  [a]D27 values after inversion were -35.58, -41.70, and -41.03. The specific gravity of all gum isolates at different stages of nut maturity and those of commercial gums were not significantly different and was equal to the density of water at standard room temperature (25° C). The water-holding capacity of the three gum isolates — 42.55%, 47.00%, and 47.28%, respectively, were not significantly different from the value for gum ghatti. The gelatinization temperature of the gum isolates were the same (30-70° C). Viscosity of the gum isolates increased with concentration and maturity. Total sugar and soluble protein slightly increased with maturity while total reducing sugar remained the same upon maturity. The Arenga gums had high molecular weights of >2M daltons. Analysis by gas chromatography showed that the gum was composed of mannose and galactose and can, therefore, be correctly termed as galactomannan. The mannose:galactose (M/G) ratio of the Arenga galactomannan increased with maturity (2:1, 3:1 and 5:1) for the young, mid mature, and mature samples, respectively.





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