The Zoonotic Potential of Campylobacteriosis and its Implication to Human Health


Alice Alma C. Bungay*, Calvin S. de los Reyes, and Methusyla J. Estacio

Department of Medical Microbiology, College of Public Health,
University of the Philippines Manila, 625 Pedro Gil Street,
Ermita, Manila 1000 Philippines

corresponding author: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



In the late 70’s, Campylobacter spp. had emerged as foodborne pathogens in addition to other well-known and recognized foodborne pathogens, among which is Salmonella spp. According to Blaser et al. (1983), Campylobacter jejuni causes more cases of gastroentiritis than Salmonella or Shigella species. For decades it was apparent that different species of Campylobacter are associated only with warm-blooded animals, but their significance as human pathogens was not established for lack of detection methods during those times. The development of selective growth media in the late 1970’s permitted laboratories to test stool specimens for Campylobacter (Kist 1985; Tauxe 1992). Recent advances in epidemiology and microbiology have directly resulted in association of Campylobacter spp. with human enteric illnesses. Campylobacter jejuni and C. coli are now recognized as major causes of diarrhea (Griffiths and Park 1990; Tauxe 1992; Taylor 1992). Most campylobacter infections appear to be sporadic rather than outbreak associated, and in majority of cases, the original source of infection cannot be determined (Cowden 1992). The development of selective media and methods to isolate the causative agents allow more laboratories to test stool specimens for Campylobacter. From then on, many different DNA-based subtyping schemes have been developed including pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis (Hilton et al. 1997). . . . .





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