On-Farm Verification of IPM Technologies Developed for Asian Corn Borer Against the Corn Earworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) in San Jose, Occidental Mindoro


Pio A. Javier1, Pablito G. Gonzales1, Avelita M. Rosales2, R.V. Labios3, L.L. Tamisin Jr.3, J. Tividad4 and L.A. Yadao4

1Crop Protection Cluster, University of the Philippines Los Baños, College, Laguna
2Southern Tagalog Integrated Agricultural Research Center, Lipa City, Batangas
3Agricultural System Cluster, UPLB, College, Laguna
4Provincial Agriculturist Office, San Jose, Occidental Mindoro

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The effectiveness of integrated pest management (IPM) technologies developed for the Asian corn borer was modified and verified against corn earworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) in yellow corn. The experiment was conducted in Barangay Mangarin, San Jose, Occidental Mindoro for two consecutive dry season plantings from Dec 1999 to Apr 2000 and Dec 2000 to Apr 2001. The two field releases of Trichogramma chilonis Ishii in the IPM plots at the rate of 50 Trichogramma cards per hectare reduced earworm damage. The presence of natural enemies like the coccinellid beetles and spiders supplemented the action of Trichogramma in reducing earworm damage. Single spot application of carbofuran at mid-whorl stage based on temporary economic threshold level (ETL) of 40% earworm-damaged plants in the IPM plots was unnecessary. In farmers’ field, insecticide applications were improperly timed. The cost of controlling corn earworm showed that the net income do not significantly differ among treatments. Earworm damage is not yet really high to cause significant yield reduction.



The Asian corn borer (ACB), Ostrinia furnacalis (Guenee) is generally the most dominant and most destructive insect pest of corn, hence the bulk of pest mnagement researchers are focused on this pest. During the present. . . .





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