Karymorphometrical Analysis and Chemical Polymorphism in Tagetes erecta and T. patula


Rajalakshmi R and Joseph Jose

Mahatma Gandhi University Centre for Research, Department of Botany,
Sacred Heart College, Thevara, Kochi, India

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In the species T. patula Linn and T. erecta Linn. monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes were identified. The main essential oil components of T. erecta were linalool and limonene, while T. patula had high percentages of thymol and sabinene. Cytological analysis showed that the various cytotypes of the genus Tagetes exhibits polyploidy and varying degrees of somatic variation. Of the four taxa investigated in this genus, Tagetes erecta cv orange and T. erecta cv pale yellow are tetraploids with 2n = 48. The diploids T. erecta cv.yellow and T. patula each possess somatic number 2n = 24.



Tagetes, commonly known as Marigold, is an important aromatic herb belonging to the family Asteraceae. It is a native of Mexico and other parts of America and naturalized elsewhere in the tropics and subtropics. Several species are grown in gardens and ornamentals. Many Tagetes species yield strongly aromatic essential oils, all of which are known as Tagetes oil. The oil is manily used for the compounding of high grade perfumes, as fly repellent and has lavicidal properties. Before embarking upon its improvement [programme in addition to its chemical study a cytological study was undertaken to assess the chromosomal status of Tagetes. . . .





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