Microxyphispora, A New Soothy Mold Genus (Order Dothidiales) from India


C. Manoharachary, I.K. Kunwar and P. Remesh

Department of Botany, Osmania University, Hyderabad, India

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A hitherto undescribed pycnidial sooty mold, Microxyphispora corticola gen. et sp. nov. colonizing the dried twigs of Albizzia odorotissima Benth. is described from India. The long, narrow, beaked, fimbriate, ostiolate, prosenchymatous pycnidia produce thallic, two- to four- celled, pseudoseptate, hyaline conidia covered with mucilaginous sheath.



Sooty molds is the term used for a group of fungi belonging especially to Dothideales and their anamorphs. They are widespread especially in tropical and subtropical regions. Sooty molds form a network of hyphae, a pellicle, a veluntinous growth or a pseudo-parenchymatous crust on living leaves and small twigs of many plants (Hughes 1976). They are often associated with honey dew exudates of insects. Hyphae of many sooty molds have a markedly mucilaginous outer wall which absorbs water readily, acts as an adhesive and undoubtedly maintains a moist leaf surface for a longer period. The growth is usually more robust on trunks and larger branches and may be in the form of lumpy pseudoparenchymatous stromata, or spongy subicula composed of loosely interwoven hyphae (Hughes 1976). A number of hyphomycetous and coelomycetous anamorphs are known in the . . . .





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