On a New Species of the Genus Rhabdias Stiles and Hassall, 1905 (Nematoda: Rhabditida) from Bufo melanostictus Schneider, 1799 from Belur and Habra,West Bengal, India, With a Host-Parasite List
Mukul (Dutta) Sarkar and Buddhadeb Manna
Parasitology Research Unit
Department of Zoology, University of Calcutta
35 Ballygunge Circular Road, Calcutta-700 019, India
The lungs of Bufo melanostictus Schneider, 1799 collected from West Bengal, India, were found to be infected with Rhabdias bulbicauda sp. nov., wisth the female specimen having a bulbiform caudal end.The description of the species is given. A host-parasite list of Rhabdias spp. and a comparative chart of close valid species of the genus Rhabdias is added.
During the course of study on nematodes from frogs and toads at Belur and Habra, West Bengal, India, specimens were recovered from the lungs of Bufo melanostictus Schneider, 1799. These specimens are identified as a species under the genus Rhabdias Stiles and Hassall, 1905. On subsequent thorough investigation they appeared to be new to science and is described. . . . . .
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