Hydrobiology of Wastewater-fed Man-made Lotic Fish Culture Ponds in Relation to Pollution Physico-chemical Properties


N. K. Manna, S. Banerjee and M. L. Bhowmik

Aquaculture Research Unit, Department of Zoology
University of Calcutta, 35 Ballygunge Circular Road
Kolkata – 700 019, West Bengal, India
Central Agricultural University(Imphal), College of Fisheries
Lembucherra, Agartala - 799210, Tripura, India

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The present investigation was undertaken with the aim to study the importance of different physico-chemical parameters of water related with recycling of organic waste through aquaculture in a man-made lotic biological sewage treatment system. Water samples were collected once a month from subsurface area of four serially made maturation cum fish ponds from September 1995 to August 1997. The levels of parameters such as water temperature, transparency, pH, dissolved oxygen, free carbon dioxide, total alkalinity, total hardness, calcium hardness, chloride ion, nitrite nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen, orthophosphate, biochemical oxygen demand, dissolved organic matter, and primary productivity do not significantly indicate a pollution problem. Although higher levels of carbon dioxide and lower levels of dissolved oxygen caused asphyxiation in early hours of some days, fish mortality was not observed probably due to flowing nature of water.



The use of aquaculture for the purpose of wastewater treatment to improve the quality of sewage effluent prior to its release to the land and or any aquatic body has been practiced for a relatively short time. Perhaps the best . . . .




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