Antifertility Activity of Various Extracts of Crotalaria juncea Linn., Seeds in Male Mice
B. Vijaykumar, I. Sangamma, A. Sharanabasappa and Saraswati B. Patil
Laboratory of Reproductive Biology,
Department of Post Graduate Studies and Research in Zoology,
Gulbarga University, Gulbarga-585 106, India
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Petroleum ether, benzene and ethanolic extracts of Crotalaria juncea Linn. seeds were administered intraperitoneally at the dose level of 25 mg/100 g body weight to albino male mice for 30 days. The results show decrease in the number of spermatogonia, spermatocytes and spermatids in testis along with reduced caudal spermatozoa. Biochemical observations indicate increased level of cholesterol and significant reduction in protein and glycogen content. The increased cholesterol content along with degeneration of Leydig cells indicate inhibited steroidogenesis. The decrease in the weight of accessory reproductive organs further attributes lowered availability of androgens due likely to inhibited steroidogenesis. Out of three extracts tested, ethanolic extract seems to be more potent in antispermatogenic and antisteroidogenic activities. When ethanolic extract was tested in immature mice for androgenic activity, it showed its antiandrogenic potency as the weight of accessory sex organs were reduced.
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