Application of the Improved Embryo Culture Protocol for Commercial Production of Makapuno Seedlings


Maria Buena B. Areza-Ubaldo, Erlinda P. Rillo, and Cristeta A. Cueto

Philippine Coconut Authority, Albay Research Center
Banao, Guinobatan, Albay, Philippines

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The improved basal medium for coconut embryo culture was verified for the mass propagation of Makapuno seedlings. Results confirmed earlier findings that coconut zygotic embryos develop satisfactorily in the improved embryo culture medium. This medium consists of Eeuwens (Y3) (1976) and various additives. The entire cycle to produce one embryo cultured Makapuno seedling costs P265.45 (as of Feb 2002) compared with the original PCA-Albay Research Center protocol (ARC) (P301.84). This improved embryo culture technology is now adapted to mass produce Makapuno seedlings nationwide.



One of the most important soft endosperm coconut mutant found in the Philippines is called Makapuno. The Makapuno nut is characterized by a soft endosperm that almost fills the nut cavity (Ramirez & Mendoza 1998). Becuase of this abnormal condition of the endosperm (tender, jelly-like), which supports the growth and development of the sprout under nomal conditions, thus it will not germinate in situ. At present, the available technique to mass produce this type of planting material is by rescuing its embryo. . . . .





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