PJS Vol 131 No. 1, June 2002 
Page 49-58




Beneficial Influence of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungal Association on Growth, Yield, and Nutrient Uptake of Rose-Scented Geranium (Pelargonium species)


G. Venkateshwar Rao1, C. Manoharachary1 and B.R. Rajeswara Rao2

1Department of Botany, Osmania University, Hyderabad 500 007, India
2Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Field Station
Boduppal, Uppal (PO), Hyderabad 500 039, India

corresponding author: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




Rose-scented geranium (Pelargonium species, Family: Geraniaceae) cv. Bourbon grown in a P deficient red sandy loam soil (alfic ustochrept) was inoculated with a mixed inoculum of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi consisting of Acaulospora laevis, Gigaspora margarita, Glomus fasciculatum and Glomus mosseae. The influence of AM fungi on growth, shoot biomass yield, root biomass yield, essential oil yield and nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) uptake of the crop was studied. Rose-scented geranium plants grown in inoculated soil exhibited root colonization with AM fungi, which increased from 18.3% at 30 days to 52.6% at 90 days after planting. No root colonization was observed in control plants grown in non-inoculated soil. Mycorrhizal plants recorded significantly longer roots (53.3% longer than control plants), taller plants (19.4%), more number of leaves (13.0%) greater root biomass yield (166.1%), higher shoot biomass yield (11.7%) and higher essential oil yield (21.1%) in comparison to non-mycorrhizal plants. Similarly, the N, P, K uptake by roots (N: 200.0%, P: 200.0%, K: 418.8%, higher than control plants) and shoots (N: 24.5%, P: 46.4%, K: 37.0% greater than control plants) of mycorrhizal plants were significantly greater than non-mycorrhizal plants. This is the first report on the beneficial influence of AM fungi on rose-scented geranium.




Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi are widely distributed in many agro-ecosystems and form obligate symbiotic association with the roots and other underground parts of most of the angiospermic plants (Bagyaraj & Manjunath 1997, Harley & Smith 1983, Manorek et al. 1982), Powell & Bagyaraj 1984, Safir 1987, Sanders et al. 1975). They have gained consierable importance in recent years . . . . .





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