PJS Vol 131 No. 1, June 2002 | |
Page 29-35 | |
0031-7683 |
The "Emerging" Foodborne Bacterial Zoonoses
Alice Alma C. Bungay, Methusyla J. Estacio and Calvin S. de los Reyes
Department of Medical Microbiology, College of Public Health
University of the Philippines, Pedro Gil Street, Ermita, Manila
Beginning in the 1970's, the food industry and other regulatory agencies became concerned about the emergence of other foodborne pathogens such as Yersinia enterocolitica, E. coli O157, Listeria monocytogenes, in addition to the known principal foodborne pathogen which is Salmonella spp. In the late 70's, Campylobacter spp. emerged as an additional pathogen. Data from the WHO have shown this pathogen surpassing Salmonella spp. as a major pathogen-causing diarrhea in children in developing countries. An overall prevalence of 12.5% was seen in infections caused by Campylobacter compared to Salmonella, which were only 2.5%. In the year 2000, the National Epidemic Sentinel Surveillance Field Epidemiology Program (NESS-FETP) of the Department of Health (DOH) reported a total number of 866,411 cases with 113.8 rate per 100,000 population due to diarrheas. Diarrhea still ranks number one as the leading cause of morbidity in the Philippines
In March 1995, a WHO Consultation Meeting was convened in Berlin, Germany in the hope that the work of the Consultation would be instrumental in protecting consumers and achieving the goal of "Safe Food for All". The objective of the meeting was to review current knowledge on the epidemiiology, prevention and control of the four "emerging" pathogens, Yersinia enterocolitica, E. coli O157, Listeria monocytogenes and Campylobacter jejuni.
Several factors have created new possibilities for the spread of new microorganisms which are pathogenic to man and animals. Changes in microbial populations have led to the evolution of new pathogens, development of new virulence factors for existing pathogens, development of antibiogic resistance, which could make a disease more difficult to treat or to changes in environmental conditions that organisms will normally tolerate. . . .
Campylobacter spp.
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Listeria monocytogenes
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Yersinia enterocolitica
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