PJS Vol 131 No. 1, June 2002 | |
Page 23-28 | |
0031-7683 |
Late Embryogeny of Pittosporum resiniferum Hemsl. (Petroleum Nut Plant)
Vivian S. Tolentino*1 and Prescillano M. Zamora2
1Department of Biology, School of Science and Engineering
Ateneo de Manila University, Loyola Heights Quezon City
2Institute of Biology, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City
corresponding author: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
An investigation on the developmental morphology of the embryo of Pittosporum resiniferum Hemsl. from the globular to torpedo shapes was carried out using light microscopy. It is aimed to characterize and document the major morphological changes of the embryo in terms of shape and differentiation of tissues in the course of its late embryogeny. The modified paraffin and clearing techniques were used. The embryos were described and classified at different morphological stages. Stage 1 had embryos which were globular. In stage 2, the embryos were in the early heart-shaped phase with the cotyledons developing at the distal regions on both sides. In stage 3, the embryos were in the mid-heart, with developed cotyledons. In stage 4, the late-heart, the cotyledons were fully developed, elongate, and a deeper depression in-between the two cotyledons was observed, as compared to stage 3. Stage 5, the torpedo shape, the protoderm, procambium and the ground meristems are well defined.
Pittosporum resiniferum Hemsl, commonly called "Petroleum Nut Plant" (Eng.), is widely distributed in the Philippines. It is found on high mountainr ridgesand forested areas from Bontoc to Sorsogon, Mindoro and Catanduanes particularly in the Cordillera mountains and Benguet (Bakker & Van Steenis 1972, 1985). P. resiniferum is a pontentially important hydrocarbons - containing species due to the combustible property on the fruit's oil extract (Bacon, 1909; Noble, 1978). The oil is commonly used as torch light by the mountain people of Palawan. This was also widely utilized by the Japanese during World Warr II. Studies on its fuel properties showed that it is quite comparable with that of gasoline. Veracion and Costales (1981), reported that it contains dihydroterpene (C10HT18), a medicinal and perfumery compound, and heptane (C7H16), a component of gasoline. . . . .
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