PJS Vol 131 No. 2, December 2002
Page 99-117
Potato Leafminer, Liriomyza huidobrensis (Blanchard) in Cordillera, Philippines
Lita Molitas-Colting, Bonie S. Ligat, Rogelio D. Colting,
Jocel C. Perez, Teresita K. Mangili, Maritess Alimurung and Casiano S. Pagadan
College of Agriculture, Benguet State University, La Trinidad Benguet
Bureau of Plant Industry, Baguio National Crops Research, and Development Center, Baguio City
Potato leafminer, Liriomyza huidobrensis (Blanchard), is a new pest of potato (Solanum tuberosum Linn.) in the Philippines. It triggered an outbreak in December 1999 in Benguet province causing an estimated crop loss of Php333 M. The extensive use of yellow sticky traps with corn (non-host) and carrots, cabbage or beans (rotation/intercrops), planting of Igorota potato variety and need-based use of Cyromazine insecticide significantly reduced the pest population to a manageable level of 50%. Need-based use of insecticide gave a return of investment of 88.32% which is 34% higher than the traditional practice of calendar insecticide application apart from lessened none exposure to insecticides. Insecticide was applied only during the critical stage of the crop, (vegetative to tuber initiation stage), moderate larval damage (25% injury); and the mean number of leafminer adults in four yellow sticky traps is 10 per sq cm. The appropriate time to monitor adult population is between 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 o’clock p.m. Use any yellow sticky trap and surround the field if the pest population is high, if not use chrome yellow plastic plate (25 cm diam) with motor grease no. 3 to be staked 30 to 60 cm above or beside the crop and not more than 15 sq m. apart. Six species of leafminers occur in Benguet, with L. huidobrensis as the most dominant with 49 host plants and four parasitoids with a low rate of parasitism (0-35%). Other factors contributory to the outbreak status of potato leafminer are: warm and humid conditions, introduction of infested chrysanthemum plants, extensive planting of potato and misuse of insecticides.
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