PJS Vol 131 No. 2, December 2002
Page 127-135




Direct Multiple Shoot Induction from Different Mature Seed Explants of Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.)


S. Palanivel and N. Jayabalan

Department of Microbiology, JJ College of Arts and Science, Pudukkottai, India
Department of Plant Science, Bharathidasan University
Tiruchirappalli, India



The different mature seed explants of groundnut cultivars VRI-2 and VRI-3 such as whole embryonated cotyledon (WEC), sectional embryonated cotyledon (SEC), whole de-embryonated cotyledon (WDC), sectional de-embryonated cotyledon (SDC) and whole embryonal axis (WA) were subjected to direct multiple shoot induction using KIN in combination with IAA and BAP in combination with NAA. The various explants behaved differently depending upon the kind (KIN/BAP) and concentration (5 to 25 mg/l) of cytokinin in the medium. Among the different concentrations of KIN and BAP with auxins, BAP was responded than KIN. Among the five explant types, whole embryonal axis had the highest percentage of response. Both KIN/IAA and BAP/NAA combinations produced multiple shoots at varying frequencies. In both cultivars, whole embryonated cotyledon produced more well developed shoots. The whole de-embryonated cotyledon and sectional de-embryonated cotyledon explants recorded poor response. In whole de-embryonated cotyledon and sectional de-embryonated cotyledon shoot buds were produced only from the proximal half of the cotyledon. All the shoots were rooted using IBA. In general VRI-2 responded well than VRI-3.





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