PJS Vol 131 No. 2, December 2002
Page 137-141




Optimized Rearing Conditions for Silkworm Bombyx mori L. Egg Production Under Egyptian Conditions


H. Greiss, N. Petkov1 and Miao Yungen2

Agromier Co, 9 Malek El Afdal Str. 11211 Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt
1Sericultural Experiment Station, 24 Mito Orozov Street, Vratza 3000 Bulgaria
2Department of Sericulture, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, 310029, China



Optimized package of rearing conditions including adding secondary macro (Ca230, S50, & Mg55) and micronutrients (Mn3, Fe4.5, Zn3.5, Cu0.4, B0.5, Mo0.54 & Cl200) to the mulberry garden beside the 1ry macronutrients (N300P150K120) per hectare in split doses after every leaves harvest. Disease free rearing management by double house disinfections, eggs, bed and larval body disinfection. Optimum physiological needs that include low temperature rearing for young instars and natural mounting for silkworms improved the egg production. This package for seed silkworm rearing led to the increase in fecundity by 67-121 eggs (15.12-26.22%) and yield of standard boxes per 1 parent egg boxes by 57-78 egg boxes (48.33-51.66%) respectively in comparison to the traditional cocoon production technology under Egyptian conditions. This technology is highly ecological with the elimination of formol. Also, the farmyard manure with its bulkiness and the possibility to transmit harmful nematodes and unwanted weeds to the mulberry garden was eliminated without reducing the nutritive value of the mulberry leaves.





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