PJS Vol 130 No. 2 December 2001  
Page 97-101  
ISSN 0031-7683  


Growth Response of Molave (Vitex parviflora Juss.) Seedlings to Biocore and Mykovam


Yolina T. Castañeto*

Nueva Vizcaya State Institute of Technology
NVSIT College of Forestry
Bayombong, 3700 Nueva Vizcaya, Philippines

Corresponding author: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Vitex parviflora, locally known as molave in the Philippines, belongs to the family Verbenaceae. It is an endemic species and possesses inherent hardness and durability. A preliminary study was conducted to investigate the response of the species to the application of biofertilizers in the nursery. There were three treatments, control (T1), Mykovam (T2) and Biocore (T3). Results revealed that seedling height, diameter, root, shoot and total biomass were significantly different among treatments. Molave seedlings applied with Biocore gave significant increase in height, diameter, shoot biomass, root biomass and total biomass over that of Mykovam and the control. Likewise, seedlings applied with Mykovam had better height, diameter, shoot biomass, root biomass and total biomass over that of the control seedlings. Application of either Mykovam and Biocore can be used to enhance growth of molave. However, since significant differences between Mykovam and Biocore treated seedlings were observed the use of Biocore is highly suggested for better growth, superiority and vigor of molave seedlings in the nursery given the same set of condition used in the study.





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