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Past Issue - Vol 129 No 2 December 2000
Emission And Excitation Spectra Of ZnSex S1-X Single Crystals Shirley Tiong-Palisoc
Technical Feasibility of Developing an Instant Tube Feeding Formula C.C. Tanchoco, M.F. Villadolid, A.S. Natividad, M.P. Rodriguez, A.B. Martin, R.L. Santos, M.A. Udarte, and W.N. Lainez
Anti-Blood Coagulant Activity and Hypocholesterolemic Property of Philippine Carrageenan A.V Briones, W.O. Ambal, M.A. Villanueva, R.R. Estrella, F. Sison,, and E.A. Lanto
Bioceramic Orbital Plant Implant R.P. Reyes, J.R. Celorico, L.C. Dela Cuesta, J.M. Filo, I.G. Daan, S.T. Bernardo, and J. Abano
Growth and Nitrogen Fixation by Non-Heterocystous Filamentous Cyanobacteria of Rice Fields of Uttar Pradesh, India O.N. Tiwari1, Dolly Wattal Dhar2, Radha Prasanna2, H.M. Shukla3, P.K. Singh2 and G.L. Tiwari
DNA-level Polymorphisms as Tools in Tilapia Genetics Mark G. Delfin and Ofelia Galman Omitogun
Atomic Absorption Spectrometric Determination of Mineral Elements in Mammalian Bones Anthony P. Udoh |
The Impact of Juvenile and Molting Hormone Analogues on Silk Quality of Silkworm, Bombyx mori L. Fed on Mulberry Leaf and Artificial Diet D. Bharathi and Miao Yungen |
Potency of Rhizobial Strains from Different Environments to Increase Economic Productivity in Some Legumes M. Ghouse Basha and M. Vivekanandan |