Chemometric Differentiation of Dipterocarpaceae Wood Species Based on Colorimetric Measurements
Monica Gibe1, Justine M. Kalaw2, Willie P. Abasolo1, and Fortunato Sevilla III2,3*
1College of Forestry and Natural Resources
University of the Philippines Los Baños, Laguna 4031, Philippines
2Graduate School, University of Santo Tomas
España Blvd., Manila 1015, Philippines
3Research Center for the Natural and Applied Sciences,
University of Santo Tomas, España Blvd., Manila 1015, Philippines
*Corresponding author: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The international trade of illegal timber often involves the misdeclaration of the wood species. A simple and reliable means for the differentiation of wood species could contribute to the control of this fraud. In this study, eight (8) commercially important and endangered dipterocarp timber wood species and mahogany were differentiated through colorimetric measurements carried out on hot water and ethanol extracts from the samples. Colorimetric measurements were done using a fabricated colorimeter that measured the absorption of blue, green, and red radiation. Chemometric analysis of the colorimetric data using principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) revealed clustering, which enabled an efficient differentiation of the wood species.
The development of rapid and accurate methods for the differentiation of wood species presents a challenge. A need has been expressed for methodologies that can be applied for the definitive identification of illegally cut logs (Dormontt et al. 2015). The international trade of illegal timber has promoted the destruction of the world’s forest and threatened the conservation of valuable and endangered woody plants (Li et al. 2008). The control of this trade is hindered by a lack of a reliable wood identification system that can be used in the field since illegal traders often misdeclare their commodities and forest guards cannot determine the correct identity of the wood species being hauled by merchants. . . . read more
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