Molecular Detection and First Report of Gyrodinium jinhaense
(Dinophyceae, Alveolata) in a Tropical River-estuary System


Kim Henri F. Alonzo1,2 and Arturo O. Lluisma1*

1The Marine Science Institute,
University of the Philippines Diliman,
Diliman 1101 Quezon City, the Philippines
2Core Facility for Bioinformatics, Philippine Genome Center,
University of the Philippines System,
Diliman 1101 Quezon City, the Philippines

*Corresponding author: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Alonzo KH, Lluisma A. 2024. Molecular Detection and First Report of Gyrodinium jinhaense
(Dinophyceae, Alveolata) in a Tropical River-estuary System. Philipp J Sci 153(5): 1731–1738.