Cultural Practices Mitigate Irrigated Rice Insect Pest Losses in the Philippines
James A. Litsinger1*, Bernard L. Canapi2, and Jovito P. Bandong2
11365 Jacobs Place, Dixon CA 95620 USA
2International Rice Research Institute, DAP Box 7777
Metro Manila, Philippines
corresponding author: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
On-farm research trials evaluated three agronomic practices where farmers were at variance with national recommendations to determine if crop compensation to insect pest loss could be a reason for the differences. Due to the popularity of early maturing varieties, we also tested the effect of plant maturity on the physiological process of compensation. Farmers fine-tuned these practices by trial and error and sought higher yields. The probable reason for the differences between national recommendations and farmers’ practices is that agronomists undertake trials under insect free conditions in a reductionist approach when performing trials. In regard to plant density, the farmers’ practice of transplanting 6 seedlings/hill has merit in increasing the crop’s tolerance to insect pest pressure over the recommended 3 seedlings/hill. Farmers were also correct to note that using N rates above 100 kg/ha gives high yield, the fact that they do not perform trials to compare varying rates does not allow them to know the optimal levels. Trials showed that researchers were correct in recommending younger transplanted seedlings (20-d-old), but farmers failed to do so in part because such young seedlings cannot be easily pulled without being ripped apart due to the hard soil. Finally, a compromise between longer and shorter maturing varieties is called for. The former have less ability to compensate from pest damage, whereas the latter, despite possessing the greatest compensatory capacity, to their discredit enhance pest buildup, thus medium maturing rices are preferred.
Surveys have shown that Filipino farmers, although are high adopters of modern rices, deviate substantially in their management practices from national recommendations (Litsinger et al. 2009). Several research programs at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) in the Philippines, notably the Farming Systems Program . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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