Assessing the Impact of Fish Cage Culture on Taal Lake (Philippines) Water and Sediment Quality Using the Zebrafish Embryo Assay


1Department of Biology, College of Arts and Sciences,
University of the Philippines, Manila, Padre Faura, Manila, Philippines
2Department of Ecosystem Analysis, Institute for Environmental Research,
RWTH Aachen University Worringerweg 1 D-52074 Aachen, Germany

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percentage survival of Danio rerio embryo

Percentage survival of Danio rerio embryos exposed to Taal Lake waters. Only the positive control was found to be highly different from the water control as indicated by the asterisks (p<0.01). (WC- water control; Gon – Gonzales; Ban – Bañaga; Bal – Balakilong; PC – positive control).




The present study investigated the impact of fish cage aquaculture on the quality of lake water and sediment using a contact assay with zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos. Fertilized zebrafish embryos were exposed to surface waters and whole sediments collected from three sites of varying levels of stress from Taal Lake, Philippines. Gonzales was the reference site, while Bañaga and Balakilong were sites of heavy aquaculture. No significant developmental differences were observed in water samples collected from all sites. Very high survival rates, high hatching success rates, and few abnormalities were observed in all water samples. All values did not differ significantly from the negative control. Similarly, zebrafish embryos exposed to sediments from the reference site and from sediment control also developed normally and showed no significant defects. However, a significant reduction in both survival and hatching success rates, and a considerable increase in rates of abnormalities, were recorded from sediments obtained from the aquaculture sites. The observed embryotoxic responses were discussed in relation to the presence of contaminants such as ammonia and copper which have settled in the sediments from unconsumed feeds. Results of the study clearly demonstrate that fish cage culture has a harmful impact on lake quality (particularly the sediment phase). We also recommend the use of an effect-directed analysis as a next-level approach to identify specifically other individual toxicants responsible for the teratogenic effects.




Philippine lakes are constantly being threatened with various stressors such as unregulated open fishing, heavy metal pollution, agricultural and domestic pollution and more recently, by fish cage aquaculture (Dela Vega 2001; Yambot 2000; Vista et al. 2006). The reported fish kills in Taal Lake suggest a deteriorating lake quality (Yambot 2000). From May 1998 to June 2001, a total of 38 fish kills in various areas close to aquaculture cages were reported (Rosana & Salisi 2002). Researchers pointed out that the prevailing winds and thermal stratification of the lake’s deep water brought heavy loads of organic sediment to the surface. This resulted in oxygen depletion, and raised levels of ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, and nitrite levels in the lake, contributing to the fish kill. The large organic load in the lake could be traced to excess feed and fish wastes from tilapia cages that have proliferated in the lakes of Agoncillo, Leviste, and Laurel in Batangas City.





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