PJS Vol 131 No. 2, December 2002



Brucellosis (Ethiology, Epidemiology, Diagnosis Prevention and Treatment)


H. Venkatakrishna-Bhatt

Division of Agricultural Health, National Institute of Occupational Health
Meghani Nagar, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India



Brucella infection in man or herds cause brucellosis and is a zoonotic bacterial disease. Brucellosis is reported from various parts of the world including India. Infection was transferred from farm animals mainly from cattle to man. Veterinarians were found to be the right source to tap bovine brucellosis. This has indicated site-specific zoonotic source as well as a means to diagnose human brucellosis in agricultural, occupational and supporting groups. Therapeutic regimens are firmly recommended by WHO. Age of man was found to play in the development of brucellosis. Serodiagnosis for brucella infection are many. Chronic brucellosis may affect the brain and other systems. Signs and symptoms have been consistent for various stages of brucellosis. Immunological profile for brucellotic patients indicated the relevant stages of the disease. Brucellosis in children is known and is reported from many Mediterranean countries. Prevention made is by eradication of infected herds, vaccination of lambs, calves, goats and man. In addition, pasturization of milk, use of safety devices in animal handlers prevent infection. Side effects of drugs during treatment for longer periods are stomatitis dehydration and requires supporting, symptomatic therapy.





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